
Why ptichka?

it means “a little bird” in Russian.

My name is Yulia, and yes, I am Russian. 🙂

I’ve been away from my country and traveling around for quite a while, so, sometimes I feel myself like these small creatures – they fly around from place to place, discover surroundings and enjoy their life (at least that’s how I see them 🙂 ).

Even though sometimes they feel small and scared by all that strange and unfamiliar world around them, they find forces to make it familiar and friendly. (ok, this is more about me then birds obviously 🙂 )

3 Responses to About

  1. soregashi says:

    Ptichka means the same in Bulgarian, too :).

  2. ptichkablog says:

    hey-hey! I’ve been in Bulgaria and I remember that I really could understand some stuff sometimes! Cool, then you understand, that it sounds quite cute for my russian friends 🙂

  3. Kyle says:

    hey! im starting my travels, and not stopping for the rest of my life! lol. im going to California, then? who knows, im from canada, its too cold right now, so im outta here shortly!feb.7th im gonna leave, was gonna leave jan. but things didnt work out the right way

    ill add you to facebook

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